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Find out what dealers and collectors have actually paid for antique grandfather, mantel or wall clocks like yours. Covers American, European and Continental clocks of all types.

We have 38,769 antique clock prices, images and descriptions as of February 9, 2025.

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Read what some of our members have said:

My subscription paid for itself the first day!!! While online bidding I have two browsers open. One for the auction, the other for the price guide. It has saved me hundreds of dollars when auction fever takes over. I use it as a reference tool to establish my top bid limit.
— R.C., Ebay bidder

i just wanted to thank you for your excellent service. i needed to get a value on an inherited clock for estate purposes. i found it easily on your site. Thanks again.

I am an appraiser and am familiar with clocks, but this guide goes the extra step for me. It expedites hours of research. It gives me a wide group of similar clocks, showing ranges of values. This is one of my most important tools I use on a daily basis. Great addition for appraisers and other affiliated fields.
— B. A. Morgan, Raritan, NJ

I had a lot of help from your ID guide in identifying and describing the clocks in my next auction. I find I often refer to the Guide doing research. Yes, it is VERY helpful. I have referred some people to it.
—Harry Mullis, Auctioneer

I'm a novice trying to learn and find the site to be a great resource. Thanks again!"
— D. Quattlebaum

You guys still have the best resource for clock research, hope you're around for a long time.
— K. McWilliams

This will help us tremendously in identifying and evaluating clocks and finding sources to replace.
— C. Vasquez, USAA Claims Dept.


Unlimited access to 10 years of sales data for more than 21,000 antique and vintage clocks sold at auction. Updated continually throught the year.


Members-only classified ads section to help you buy or sell clocks, clock parts and related service.


Members-only forum: request help with clock identification, repair and restoration questions, view & upload members' clock photos.

Hi! I'm Jeff Savage, co-creator of Ryan Polite and I founded this site more than 10 years ago. We started with sales data JeffSavageon 300 antique clocks sold at auction. At that time, we made all the information available for free. With each passing year we added more clocks and photos and we continue to update and add to the site throughout the year. We now have sales data for more than 21,000 clocks, along with more than 40,000 photos.

The actual process of adding the clocks is very boring, laborious and time consuming. We must take the raw data from each auction house or dealer and manually categorize and process each sales record individually. That means breaking out different bits of information from each record... like the maker's name, model name, type of clock, the country of origin. We do this in order to speed up the search process for our site users. It's true that much of this data is available elsewhere on the web. But finding it easily is another matter, as you probably already know if you used Google or other search engines in your quest. It can be quite time consuming and frustrating to sift through all the sites which contain your search terms. That's because the search engines don't make decisions the way humans do in order to separate the useful information from the spam sites and other dead ends. We use our time to save you time. We try to make it easier to actually find what you are looking for so you can move on to other things.

All this comes at a cost - to us. We have all the overhead that usually goes along with having an office - phones, computers, software, and so on. We don't have any other employees to do the work - can't afford 'em. It's just Ryan and me plugging away each day doing the best we can to keep this site relevant, useful and growing. We do the data input, the site maintenance, the customer service, the research and everything else. Mind you, we're not complaining... I mean, no one's forcing us to do this... but it does take a lot of our time and expense to keep things going. It took us about five years to get enough subscribers to actually break even each month with expenses, and that was after I put almost $90,000 worth of charges on my credit cards to fund the business.

OK, maybe all of this is more than you really wanted to know - or care about. You really just want to get the information you need and move on. But I wanted to answer the question about why we charge for the info in a way that gives you a sense of the human effort behind what you see here. We truly appreciate all our subscribers, whether you sign up for a period of five days or for an annual subscription. It's you, our paid subscribers, that keep us going and make it possible to fullfill our mission: to create the best resource on antique clock values available anywhere in print or on the web.

"What? You guys charge for this? Why?"
(The answer may surprise you!)

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